Metascan Client
Metascan Client

metaScan(Connectionconnection,MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitorvisitor).ScansthemetatableandcallsavisitoroneachRowResultandusesaemptystart ...,2014年3月11日—OPSWATispleasedtoannouncethereleaseofMetascanClient3.0.4!ThisnewversionofMetascanClientisnow...

Metascan Client free download

MetascanClient3.0.1.17417.Asimpleandspeedyon-demandvirusscanner.Windows3.80MB ...

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MetaScanner (Apache HBase 1.2.12 API)

metaScan(Connection connection, MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitor visitor). Scans the meta table and calls a visitor on each RowResult and uses a empty start ...

Metascan Client 3.0.4 Released

2014年3月11日 — OPSWAT is pleased to announce the release of Metascan Client 3.0.4! This new version of Metascan Client is now available for download through ...


Usage. require 'metascan' scanner = filename ... Batch Scanning. require 'metascan' scanner = ...

Different Ways to Use Metascan Client to Help Protect ...

2014年3月4日 — Metascan Client allows you to use a remote Metascan Server to scan files on any Windows system, complementing any real time protection ...


Opswat为运行Windows 8,Windows 7和Windows Vista的终端引入了Metascan Client 。 Metascan是一个服务器应用程序,用于扫描具有多种防病毒软件的文件。

相关定义— MetaScan 0.0.1 文档

MetaScan · Docs »; 相关定义; Edit on GitHub. 相关定义¶. 常用的辅助方法. 辅助方法相关 ... client.rb 里代码封装了 send_request_raw 方法, include 之后,我们可以在 ...

Metascan Client free download

Metascan Client A simple and speedy on-demand virus scanner. Windows 3.80 MB ...

Opswat Metascan Client

Opswat Metascan Client: AntiVirus Scanner With Multiple Engines For Network Administrators. Below are steps to help an IT admin set up virus scanning of ...


metaScan(Connectionconnection,MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitorvisitor).ScansthemetatableandcallsavisitoroneachRowResultandusesaemptystart ...,2014年3月11日—OPSWATispleasedtoannouncethereleaseofMetascanClient3.0.4!ThisnewversionofMetascanClientisnowavailablefordownloadthrough ...,Usage.require'metascan''metascan'scanner=Metas...